Aaron S. David, Ph.D.
Director of Plant Ecology, Assistant Research Biologist
Dr. Aaron David is the Program Director of Plant Ecology at Archbold Biological Station. He completed is B.A. at Washington University in St Louis, and his Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota. He has been working in Florida ecosystems since 2016, including postdoctoral positions at the University of Miami and the USDA-ARS Invasive Plant Research Laboratory prior to starting his position at Archbold in 2021. His research interests include plant population ecology, plant-microbe interactions, and biological control of invasive plants.
Email: adavid@archbold-station.org

Recent Publications:
- Revillini D, David AS, Menges ES, Main KN, Afkhami ME, Searcy CA. 2022. Microbiome-mediated response to pulse fire disturbance outweighs the effects of fire legacy on plant performance. New Phytologist. DOI: 10.1111/nph.17689.
- Hernandez D, David AS, Menges ES, Searcy CA, Afkhami ME. 2021. Environmental stress destabilizes microbial networks. The ISME Journal 15:1722-1734. DOI:10.1038/s41396-020-00882-x.
- David AS, Carmona Cortes A, Lake EC. 2021. Bottom-up factors determine local, but not regional, distribution of a biocontrol agent against invasive Lygodium microphyllum. Biological Control 159:104632. DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2021.104632.
- David AS, Thapa-Magar KB, Menges ES, Searcy CA, Afkhami ME. 2020. Do plant-microbe interactions support the Stress Gradient Hypothesis? Ecology 101(8). DOI:10.1002/ecy.3081.
- David AS, Quintana-Ascencio PF, Menges ES, Thapa-Magar KB, Afkhami ME, Searcy CA. 2019. Soil microbes underlie population persistence of an endangered plant species. The American Naturalist. DOI:10.1086/704684.
- David AS, Thapa-Magar KB, Afkhami ME. 2018. Microbial Mitigation-Exacerbation Continuum: A novel framework for understanding microbiome effects on hosts in the face of stress. Ecology 99:517-523. DOI:10.1002/ecy.2153.